Yellow flag iris is an invasive ornamental perennial that is a problem in many states and other countries. It will sicken livestock if ingested and is generally avoided by herbivores.
Contact with its resins can cause skin irritation in humans. If pulling or digging yellow flag care should be used to protect the skin as resins in the leaves and rhizomes can cause irritation. Because rhizome fragments can grow to form new plants, all rhizome fragments must be carefully removed. Seeds germinate and grow well even after being burned
Yellow Iris invasive removal
- adults, with shovels, clippers, long sleeves and gloves. Resins can cause skin irritation - covering arms and hands is recommended.
An Invasive Species - eradicate |
A native Species - protect and encourage
Yellow flag Iris
Iris pseudacorus
Leaves are 0.4-1.2 inches wide and
have a central ridge on both sides of the blades.
Northern Blue Flag Iris
Iris versicolor
is a native species. Has tall sword-like leaves that rise from a basal cluster.
No central ridge. Flowers may be any shade of purple, but are always
decorated with yellow on the falls. Grows 2-3 ft. tall.
Source: Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board
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