Welcome to the bioswale information page. ACBA work sessions in the bioswale usually happen on the
last Sunday of the month (with exceptions to schedule around boathouse events).
See Bioswale Work Sessions summaries for 2023 here. for 2022 here (EOY Summary) For 2021 here.
Every day is EARTH DAY!
Next Bioswale Work Session
Sunday, June 25, 2023
Got questions? Here's who to ask:
Mary Ellsworth (marysellsworth@gmail.com)
Jim Smailes (jasmailes@gmail.com)

Love our Juniors!
Typical tasks for bioswale work sessions:
Remove invasive species
Pick up recyclables & trash
Clear & mulch around shrubs and tree fences
Plant new trees, shrubs or herbaceous plants
Move driftwood
Volunteers - it helps to bring tools such as rakes, clippers or sturdy trowels.
Remember to bring water, hats, gloves, long pants and protective footwear.
Bioswale Work Sessions are mostly scheduled for the last Sunday of the month, 9:30am-noon
Sundays unless noted
Saturday, March 18, Gonzaga Day of Service
March 26 Kick off - build the tool shed
Friday, April 21 Cypress Creek Renewables - Earth Day Celebration
Saturday, April 22 AWS Earth Day Clean up, and Wakefield HS rowers
Tuesday, April 25 Academy of Holy Cross Day of Service work
Sunday, May 21 with Capital Juniors & other program volunteers
June 25
July 30
Aug. 27
Sept 24
Oct 29
Nov 12 tentative

Tool Donations
Thanks to Andy Sohn for the donation of a small chainsaw!
THANKS to ACBA for providing two big wheelbarrows.
THANK YOU to Gonzaga Parents for providing the Bioswale Tool Shed!
Kudos to the volunteers who keep the edge of our river healthy and looking beautiful!
We have truly the most amazing volunteers! 
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