Work Session Summaries 2023
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last edited
by Mary.Ellsworth 1 year, 2 months ago
west end
Section4 |
Section3 |
Section2 |
Section1 east end |

Bioswale Work Session
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Six of us spent this beautiful morning by the river tackling invasive vine species in the bioswale. Overall the edge of the river looks
good in this our final session for the 2023. Of concern is the number of False Indigo bushes showing up in Sections 2 and 3.
These are going to be monsters in 2024, but the volunteer work sessions are not enough to deal with them.
Tasks accomplished today
Cleared porcelainberry, clematis, other vines from bushes and from grassy spaces
Removed several large saplings from the seawall next to the Paddlers' dock.
Cut back a bush honey suckle discovered in a pine along the fence. A couple years old! How did that escape our notice.
Jim removed unwanted trees from the seawall area. |
Amy pulled vines endlessly! She cleared a bald cypress and much more. |
Morgan, an employee from Fragers, cut the English Ivy on the big Cottonwood. |
Thankful for JoAnn, a real gardener! She gets it - roots & all.
Jim & I discovered a bush honeysuckle wrapped in the branches of a pine along the fence. It's large - must have been hiding there a couple years. We filled the wheelbarrow twice with the branches.
Paul pitches in - as always. |

The bioswale sign is looking old and
Tasks for 2024:
Remove Bush Honeysuckle sect 1
How to manage the False Indigobush, sect 2&3
Clear the stone walls
It's time to replace the bioswale sign.
Dig the phragmites, section 1

Bioswale Work Session
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Seven of us spent the morning mostly removing vines. We hauled a few piles of previously cut brush to the dumpster, and trimmed some more branches to clear the view to the CSO alert lights.

Julia cleared the short fence by the ramp and then tackled the vines on a Serviceberry shrub
Tasks accomplished today
Trimmed river birch branches to improve viewing of the CSO discharge warning lights
Cleared Porcelainberry from the short fence by the flood gauge.
Cleared vines from several bushes.
Carried branches from previous workday to the dumpster

Annette cleared vines and lespedeza covering three Vibernums and two Red Twig Dog Woods

Paul came in at the end (after a long paddle) to provide a boost of much needed energy!

JoAnn removes Porcelainberry right down to it's roots.We have a professional on the team!

Grant is such a welcomed sight on bioswale Sundays!
 As usual in October, the Tick Trefoil is bad -
Julia and Annette are literally covered with the tiny triangular seeds from this plant. The seeds
can only be removed one by one by hand.

A few members of Team Bioswale
Annette, Paul, Grant, Julia, and Andy
Tasks for November:
Clear around shrubs in sections
1, 4 & 5
Remove Bush Honeysuckle sect 1
Deadhead remaining Loosestrife
Tackle brambles on stone wall, sect 2 & 3
Dig out the heavy grasses, front of the bioswale sign.

Bald Cypress and Switchgrass

Fall color - Bald Cypress

Bushes cleared of vines
Red Twig Dogwood (left) and Vibernum (right)
Wheelbarrow abuse? Not sure - sometime towards the
end of summer the Wb was found with deep gashes in
one of the tires, and both are entirely flat. The Wb is
essential for the volunteer work in the bioswale.

False Indigobush is taking over in sections 2 and 3 (between the ramps).
We can try to cut it back, but there may not be enough volunteer
energy to keep digging it out.

Bioswale Work Session
Sunday, October 1, 2023 (postponed from Sept 24)
There were just five of us working today, but we accomplished a good deal. The focus was on the west end, since the scrimmage was happening with lots of people on the plaza.
Alice gets everything out, even the roots! |
Mclean wheeled many loads to the dumpster |
Julia cut down a small tree today! |
Tasks accomplished today
Cleared tree branches to improve viewing of the CSO discharge warning lights
Cleared area west of Paddler's dock for mowing
Cut back false indigobush east of Paddler's dock
Cleared vines from a few bushes.
Carried branches from previous workday to dumpster

Removing the last of the debris from a volunteer tree
that was blocking the view of the cso discharge lights

Bearded Beggarticks - a lovely native, new to the bioswale.

Results: enlarged clear area by the Paddler's dock
Results: Tree branches removed to improve viewing of the
CSO discharge warning lights, from both the parking lot and the river.

For Oct: We need to clear the vines off the
fence here

For Oct: This Shadbush is covered with
clematis that needs to be pulled off
Tasks for October work session
Clear around shrubs in sections 1, 4 & 5
Remove Bush Honeysuckle sect 1
Deadhead remaining Loosestrife
Tackle brambles on stone wall, sect 2 & 3
Dig the big False Indigobush next to Paddlers' dock.
Clear the fence next to water level gauge
Dig out the heavy grasses in front of the bioswale sign.
Cut back the River Birch to improve CSO view.

Bioswale Work Session
Sunday, Aug 27, 2023
We had a terrific group of thirteen volunteers on this August day. Initially they all went to work in Section 1 removing the purple loosestrife and trimming the clematis vines and false indigo bush. As more people arrived, some picked up trash (5 bags full!) and removed vines in section 5. So much was accomplished today!
Before: Clematis, Loosestrife, False Indigobush in section 1
After: Most of the invasive species have been removed, leaving mostly natives.
Sweet Autumn Clematis is an aggressive invasive species |
Tasks accomplished today
Dug out phragmites, section 1 - hopefully done for 2023
Cleared tons of vines, particularly from bald cypress
Dead headed and cut back false indigobush
Dug invasive loosestrife, sect 1
Native Pickerel weed in Section 1 |
River birches looking lovely, and no trash, section 5. Clematis vines were removed from the birches today. |
Many wheel barrow loads of vines, etc went to the dumpster |

Stomping down the dumpster!
Polk weed goes in. Native, but aggressive and in the wrong place. |
September: work on removing this False Indigobush, next to Paddler's dock
Tasks for July work session
Clear around shrubs in sections 1, 4 & 5
Continue to tackle Bush Honeysuckle sect 1
Deadhead remaining Loosestrife
Tackle brambles on stone wall, sect 2 & 3
Dig the big False Indigobush in Sec 4, next to Paddlers' dock.
Continue clearing the rocks - esp saplings
September: Remove Catalpa sapling, section 1 |

Bioswale Work Session
Sunday, July 30, 2023
Nine volunteers tackled the highly invasive Bush Honeysuckle and others in Section 1. Again this month, it was heavy work since the honeysuckle has grown to the size of small trees. The crew diligently went after the roots. First we worked on clearing the vines off the emergency entrance fence for about 20 min before going to work on Section 1.

BEFORE: Heavy vines on the emergency
fence were preventing it from being opened.

AFTER: vines cleared

WARNING: there's a nest of yellow jackets in
the upper part of this post, O.
BEFORE: Two River Birches
on the edge of the water, section 1, were
covered in vines. Amy started on this one
but stopped when Poison Ivy was found.
Amy and Candace cut and pulled
ivy and Virginia Creeper off the
second birch.
AFTER: Vines are gone and the tree
is nicely open O.
Aaron and Paul remove a stubborn Black
Locust that was too close to the River Birch.

So satisfying to muscle that root
out of the ground!
Pretty Picture: Healthy, beautiful switch grass
and Bald Cypress, Section 4.

Removing Bush Honeysuckle stumps is a challenge:
Andy and Aaron pried and dug until this piece
relented (the rest of the root clump is circled, O right)

The rest of that massive Bush Honeysuckle
stump finally demolished.

Wheel barrows of
vegetation going to the

This River Birch is now clear
on one side. The other side is
the place to start in August.
My Strava trace: Almost a mile and a half
walked during one bioswale work session
The Gonzaga Plus: The bioswale shed has become
the place to gather when the work is done,
to have a pastry and talk about rivers.

Bioswale Work Session
Sunday, June 25, 2023
Nine volunteers worked diligently on this hot, humid sunny morning. We worked in section 1, which has not had much attention this past year with all the heavy work in the other sections. The goal was to remove bush honeysuckle and phragmites, two very invasive species that can dominate in any environment, not only along a river. We made a start at clearing the area, but it was truly a dense jungle. I commend the volunteers for tackling this difficult area. When in good shape, the east end of the bioswale can be our prettiest part of the bioswale.

A dense jungle. Far as we know we didn't lose
anybody. Ruth & Paul bear the heat & humidity.

JoAnne in the middle, laboriously digging up
phragmites rhizomes. Grant & Chantel, with
clippers bared, battle onward.
Tasks accomplished today
Dug out bush honeysuckle, phragmites, section 1
Cleared tons of vines, particularly from bald cypress
Dead headed and cut back false indigobush
Cleared off the magnolia, sect 1.
Dug invasive loosestrife, sect 1
Cleared growth along edge of the tent, and at faucets

Carolie made so many wheelbarrow trips!
Tasks for July work session
Clear around shrubs in sections 1, 4 & 5
Continue to tackle Bush Honeysuckle sect 1
Continue to dig Phragmites, section 1
Tackle brambles on stone wall, sect 2 & 3
Dig the big False Indigobush in Sec 4, next to Paddlers' dock.
Larisa eventually conquered this bush honeysuckle
This is a ~3 min recording of the birds in the area. One of the reasons we do this. |

Bioswale Work Session - Featuring Capital Juniors
Sunday, May 21, 2023
Four ACBA volunteers and more than a dozen Capital Juniors and parents tackled a two huge projects on this sunny morning. The first was removing the False Indigobush (FIB) from the upriver side of the first ramp (section 1). The second, clearing the area next to the Paddlers' dock to improve use of that area for eventual socializing. Area needs to be flattened with shovels and rakes, grass seeded, and to start mowing there.
Capital Juniors Day of Service ...
Capital Juniors, moms and dads!
BEFORE: The area was covered in vines, and stumps where a couple trees had died. We lost 2 Shadbush here.
The work gets started. We 'roped' off the area around the big Shadbush and switch grasses. |
This crew knows how to go for the roots!
Tasks accomplished today
Dug out yellow iris, section 5.
Cleared vines, dead stumps, all vegetation, section 5,
next to Paddlers' dock
Removed tree growing on the seawall, but stump remains
Dug up False Indigo bush,
section 1 next to the ramp, a massive clump in particular
Cleared some of the rocks, section 1.
Some serious wheelbarrowing took place!
They tackled that Elm tree without me even mentioning it. Wow.
More serious wheelbarrowing ... |
It's a nice little Elm, but in a terrible place for a tree. |
Removing invasive clematis vines and yellow iris
Eradicating Bush Honeysuckle down
to the roots!
Tippy appeared, of course!

AFTER! Usually we don't do a clean sweep
of all vegetation, but that's what was called for in this area.
The wheelbarrowing got a little goofy
Tasks for June work session
Clear around shrubs in sections 1, 4 & 5
Seriously tackle Bush Honeysuckle with tree puller, section 1
Dig Phragmites, section 1
Tackle brambles on stone wall, sections 2 & 3
Dig the big False Indigobush in Sec 4, next to Paddlers' dock.
Intrepid ACBA volunteers...
The zone by the ramp, section 1, had False Indigobush that got away from us. |
Today was the day to get out the FIB. |
A MASSIVE stump of FIB - took 3 of us to get it into the wheelbarrow! |
Fruits of our Labor....

Bioswale Work Session - featuring Academy of Holy Cross Day of Service
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Thirty one AMAZING young women from Holy Cross & their 4 chaperones spent the day on tasks along the edge of the river. They arrived at 9:30am and didn't leave until 1:40pm
After 3 groups so far this spring plus Earth Day the bioswale is in the best shape I've ever seen it!
A splendid day - the group walks to the Bioshed for an orientation to the day's tasks. |
Saturday's Earth Day volunteers had left several piles of brush that didn't fit in the dumpster, so we finished off that job first. |
Meanwhile this ambitious crew took down a 10 ft honeysuckle bush AND dug out the massive root as well. |

Planting lavender around the base of the
Bio-shed. It is hoped the lavender will deter
the groundhog from digging here.

The ground was hard dry clay, so students
used a pick to break it up, then added sand
and soil conditioner before planting six
lavender plants,
Tasks accomplished today
Carried brush piles left from Earth Day to the dumpster,
along w scrap wood that was nearby
Dug out yellow iris near the large pine.
Planted lavender plants around the shed to discourage the ground hog.
Dug wineberry upriver side of the Paddlers' dock
Cleared vines from Magnolia, section 1
Cleared massive vines off the fence behind the large tent
Cleared a 16' strip & put in Virginia Mallow seeds.
Cleared vines from the wall beside the large tent.
Removed vines from bushes, section 5
Cleared some of the rocks, section 1.
Seniors were asked to tackle the wineberry in the west end of section 4. These two won the prize for longest intact root! |
The honeysuckle bush was felled, yes, but they spent another 10 min sucking honey from the flowers. |
These two made room in the dumpster for more brush! |
A 16' strip was cleared between the two fences in back of the large tent. This is in preparation for putting in VA Mallow seeds.
Raking and improving the soil. VA Mallow is a rare plant that's nearly extinct in DC & MD. |
Water is lightly sprinkled on the new seeds. |
The VA Mallow is in the ground. Amelia, in lavender, rows with Capital Jrs 5 times/wk. The others asked her to bring them frequent reports on how the plot is doing.

Lunch break
Tasks for May work session
Clear around shrubs in sections 1, 4 & 5
Search & destroy Lesser Celandine if it
can be identified
Seriously tackle Bush Honeysuckle with tree puller, section 1
Dig Phragmites, section 1
Continue to remove wineberry sprouts
Dig the False Indigobush in Sec 1, 2, 3 and 5

In the last 1.5 hour of work students put in a
major & amazing effort. The length of this fence was
piled at least 2 ft high with vines. Now - Gone.
Hard to see a poor neglected Magnolia shrub
center of the image. The shrub was covered
and bent over with a load of vines. Gone.
Here the vine, etc were coming up
over the edge of the wall along side
the big tent. Now .. Gone!

EARTH DAY 2023 & Bioswale Work Session featuring Wakefield HS crew
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Perfect weather for Earth Day! A total of 75 volunteers participated. 47 were volunteers from AWS who picked up trash along the river, along M St, and
along the trails, led by 7 volunteers from ACBA. 8 ACBA volunteers worked in the bioswale, and 12 students from Wakefield HS joined them.
Black bags are full of trash. Clear bags are full of recyclable materials.

Enith and Alice at the registration table
Tasks accomplished today
Picked up trash on grounds & roads
21 bags of trash; 12 bags of recyclables
2 tires, 44 plastic groc bags, ~200 lbs
of other
Cleared vines under the big pine
Removed Lesser Celandine, Section 4
Picked up pine cones under big pine.
Limbed up river birches, west end
Cleared tree fencing, west end

A concurrent bioswale work session happened
Over 50% of trash picked up were plastic
AWS is collecting info for new DC Bottle bill
Construction materials and tire
near Congressional Cemetery
River birch, freshly limbed up and cleared
A great viewing area for the next Regatta.
The clean up uncovered several
Milkweed plants
Tasks for May work session
Clear around shrubs in sections 1, 4 & 5
Search & destroy Lesser Celandine if it can be identified
Seriously tackle Bush Honeysuckle with tree puller
Dig Phragmites, section 1
Continue to remove wineberry sprouts
Dig the False Indigobush in Sec 1, 2, 3 and 5
Bioswale Work Session - Cypress Creek Renewables - Earth Day Celebration
Friday, April 21, 2023

Kick off 2023 Bioswale Work Session featuring Gonzaga HS crew
Sunday, March 26, 2023
A gorgeous day and a dozen amazing volunteers made for a fabulous work session! We built the new tool shed, cleaned up the bike parking, and did a carving out of targeted invasive and aggressive species in the bioswale.
Tasks accomplished today
Targeted removal of wineberry & sweet autumn clematis
Removed Lesser Celandine in Section 4
Put the new tool shed together
Cleared weeds from the bike parking area
Wanted to dig Phragmites, section 1, but tide is too high
Check that pine cones are picked up. Ask Cornelius
to mow under the pine.


The cleaned up view from the west end.
With this work we improve the area for both native species & for people.
Installing the new tool shed.
Step 1: Laying out the dimensions with string and paint.
Step 2. Gonzaga crew dug a
shallow pit following the dimensions.
Nice job Gonzaga! It's just right.
Step 3. Building a frame in the pit and
tamping in a layer of sand.
Step 4. Laying pavers
Step 4 (today). Assembling the shed. |
Refreshing Bike Parking. Volunteers moved all of the bike racks out, dug out all the weeds, and laid down new mulch. What an effort!

If you park your bike here feel free to always pull up
weeds! Its an all-volunteer affair.
One of the bad boys we were aiming for today - wineberry. Considered an invasive plant in Maryland, wineberry forms a clump of arching canes that may reach nine feet in length. The dense brambles make it very difficult to move around in the bioswale. |
Lesser Celandine, may well become our worst nemesis. We first saw one small clump in the bioswale last spring. There are hundreds of clumps this year, and it will surely grow to eliminate all diversity if we fail to eradicate it. |
The other target for today was Autumn Clematis. This rude and stubborn vine will totally suffocate bushes and whole trees, given half a chance. It produces lovely but unwelcome bowers of tiny white blossoms in the fall. |
Bioswale beauty .....

Blue Flag iris emerging
Bob and Diana Day's daffodils - a fond memory
Tasks for April work session
Clear around shrubs in sections 1, 4 & 5
Search & destroy Lesser Celandine if it can be identified
Seriously tackle Bush Honeysuckle
Dig Phragmites, section 1
Continue to remove wineberry sprouts
Dig the False Indigobush in Sec 1, 2 and 3

2023 Bioswale Work Session - Gonzaga Day of Service
Saturday, March 18, 2023
More than 50 Gonzaga rowers plus their parents came out to help in the bioswale and on the boathouse grounds for their annual Day of Service. What a great day! The leadership the coaches provide these young men is beyond value. These are the stewards of our future.

The following tasks were accomplished:
Removed many wineberry sprouts from sections 2, 3 & 4
Trash picked up along the edge of the river
Cleared brush & bush under big pine, west end.
Picked up & bag pine cones
Helped make a level base for the new tool shed
Removed vines on the fence and clear behind the big tent
Broke up old shells and got them into the big dumpster
Raked in sections 2,3 & 4


Digging up Wineberry roots & all! You need to dig deep to find all these roots.

A major effort to clear vines and brush from behind the big tent. Great job FRESHMEN!!

Just had to include this... The bioswale leader decided to measure the distance walked during a typical work session. 😲 Who knew!

Preparing a base for the new tool shed - tamping
in sand to support new pavers

Laying 24 pavers to support the tool shed.
Next week we'll build it.

This old eight goes in the dumpster.

Breaking boats - see a movie here.
Tasks for March work session
Continue to remove wineberry
Dig the False Indigobush in Sec 1, 2 and 3
Clear the Magnolia, section 1
Search & destroy Lesser Celandine
Dig Phragmites, section 1
Check that pine cones are picked up

Work Session Summaries 2023
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